Ink and Paint | Uncovering Asian Modernisms: Conversations

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre 30 March 2019 
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Room N101B 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.


Moderator  Lesley Ma

Speaker  Tina Keng, Chang Tsong-zung, David Teh, Amna Naqvi, Hozu Yamamoto



Curated by Writer and Editor Stephanie Bailey, Art Basel Conversations presents a stimulating series of panel discussions on topics concerning the global contemporary art scene between prominent members of the international artworld.
Tina Keng, the founder of Tina Keng Gallery is honored to be invited to participate the conversation “Ink and Paint | Uncovering Asian Modernisms” which is moderated by Lesley Ma (Curator, Ink Art, M+). The other participants will be Chang Tsong Zung (Founder, Hanart TZ Gallery), David Teh (Independent Curator, and Associate Professor, National University of Singapore), Amna Naqvi (Collector, Philanthropist, and Founder, AAN Foundation and AAN Gandhara Art Space) and Hozu Yamamoto (Director, Tokyo Gallery +BTAP). 
"What challenges exist when reconstructing the histories of modernism in Asia across the market, academia, and private/public collections?" This Inter-regional panel reflects on this question, drawing in issues of nationalism, medium, and expression in the process. The Conversation will be held from 2 pm to 3:30 pm in the Auditorium on Level 1, Room N101B, HKCEC; free public access. Simultaneous translation is available in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English.